Our Mission

- Organizes cultural programmes on occasions like Onam
- Christmas-New Year, Republic Day and Independence Day
Art & Culture :-
- Organizes classes for Personality Development, improving general knowledge, counselling to students appearing in board exams
- Establishing `Malayalam’ learning centres in all branches, for teaching Malayalam under the scheme `Malayala Bhasha Padana Kendram’ instituted by Government of Kerala
- Provides educational expenses (like fees, stationery, uniform, conveyance) to selected needy children of the lower strata of society
- Distributes awards to children for their academic excellence
Education & Language :-
- Free blood donation camps
- Medical check-up camps
- Eye check-up camps
- Free Vaccination for Hepatitis etc.
Health Care :-
In collaboration / association with other voluntary organizations / Government and non government organizations, for benefit of all citizens in the neighborhoods.
- Contribute and donate generously to fund-raising activities during natural calamities both national and international (Tsunami, earthquakes, floods etc.)
- Providing woolen clothes, spectacles, other life supporting systems to persons on selected need-based manner to all sections of the society
- Conducts/organizes awareness camps on socially relevant issues, like healthcare, consumer quality related aspects
- Blood donation volunteers are made available from among the KKS family, to meet emergent situations
- Provides educational expenses (like fees, stationery, uniform, conveyance) to selected needy children of the lower strata of society
Social / Welfare :-
Library / Reading Room :-
KKS will maintain well-stocked Library consisting of books and periodicals from Malayalam, Hindi and English languages
Sports & Games :-
Conducts Indoor sports/games In addition, to encourage and spot the talents competitions in various sports/games discipline are to be held regularly and winners suitably rewarded
KKS provide forum for exchange of thoughts on cultural, social, economic and educational problems at regional and national levels
Focus attention on the problems of Kerala and Malayalis in India and outside India and make appropriate representations to the authorities
Publish books on the finding of seminars, viz. `planning for Prosperity in Kerala’ and `Regional Disparities in India’
Felicitate eminent personalities from all walks of life. These included winners of Padma Award, Arjuna Award, Prime Minister Shrm vir award, National & International Film Award, and Sahitya Akademi/Sangeet Natak Academy Awards